RE0 2021. 3. 9. 17:47


영화를 반복적으로 보면서 영어를 배우고 정리하려고 합니다.


배운 표현 복습 

일주일간 배운 표현을 복습해 봅시다. 



don't have to 

= 굳이 ~ 안해도 돼 


You don't have to read it out loud. 

=굳이 큰소리로 읽지 않아도 돼 


You don't have to go if you don't want. 

= 가기 싫으면 안가도 돼 



be + being ~ 

= 평소에 그런사람이 아니라 지금 ~ 이러고 있다. 


You are being rude. 

= 지금 행동이 무례하게 굴고 있다. 



make out with 사람 

= 스킨십을 하다 



=  ~ 하면서 


I was watching TV as I was eating something. 

나는 티비를 보면서 밥을 먹었어 


I am going to have to ~ 

=  미래에 이걸 꼭 해야돼 


I think I'm going to have to go on a mission of revenge. 


bare face 

= 생얼 


stomp on 

= 짖밟다 



= 삐뚤삐뚤


I am not much of 

= ~ 에 소질이 없는 


I am not much of dancer. 

= 내가 춤 솜씨가 별로 없어 


I might have p.p.

= 확실하지 않지만 ~ 했을 것이다. 



=우선순위를 정하다. 


take it upon oneself 

= ~ 하는걸 내 마음대로 결정하고 자청해서 ~ 하다 


set someone up on a date 

= ~ 를 소개팅 시켜주다 


so we took it upon ourselves to set you up on a date with her. 

back out 

= ~ 하기로 했던거에서 빠지다 

so, don't back out. 



복습 예문 

A : I am going to have to prioritize what it is important in my life. 

I might have been very kook and had crooked personality.

What's wrong with me? 



B:  The way you handle this situation is too much. 

You have to just relax a little bit. 

I even saw you hitting the wall with your bare knuckles!! 

And you were bleeding, you remember? 


A : I must have been very crazy. 


B : Yeah, I am not much of a talker.. so I don't know how to comfort you..

But over the past few months, you've been going through a lot. 

I know how hard it would be. But I want you to be happy. 

I don't want you to be sad or something. Just try to be optimistic! 


A: Okay I will try. Thanks for the encouraging words. It means a lot to me. Thank you. 


B: No problem. You are my friend and you are brainy, You can be anything. 


A: That's true I've got nothing to lose. Oh by the way, have you made up with Amy? 


B: Oh yes I did. Actually we didn't have to make up. We always make up naturally. 


A: But you have to be clear about that.