영화를 반복적으로 보면서 영어를 배우고 정리하려고 합니다.
자주 사용하는 추임새 (filler words)
filler words = 의미 없는
다음 말이 생각나지 않을때
well, I think it will be just fine.
예를 들고싶을때
= 그러니까 그냥
I put on some make up like highlighter, eye liner and mascara, you know.
you know?
상대방의 동의를 원하는 뉘앙스
=잖아 그렇지
That is not always the case, you know.
항상 그런건 아니잖아 맞지?
you see
모르고 있었던 사실을 공유할때
I was going to try this app, but you see, I ran out of space on my phone.
나 이 앱을 사용하려고 했었었는데 있잖아 내 용량이 다 떨어졌지 뭐야
believe me
곧 할말을 강조할때 쓰임
Believe me, this is the cheapest phone ever.
이거 진짜 제일 싼 폰이야.
I guess / I suppose
무언가를 망설이고 있거나 확신이 잘 안설때 붙이는 말
I was going to eat dinner at home, but I guess I can go eat at a restaurant instead.
원래 저녁을 집에서 먹으려고 했었는데 대신 레스토랑 가서 먹어도 될거 같아.
I know right
내 말이 그러니까
The dessert here is so good.
I know right? It my fav.
come on
= 얼른
come on, just say what you want to say.
그냥 얘기해 얼른
I mean
= 그러니까 내말은
It was annoying. I mean, nothing happend for the first hour.
Hey, Do you think Nami is really annoyed?
I think she is really self-centered and she has been very anti-social for a while.
I know right, I really thought so.
Oh my god, Can you please stop? come on.
I mean, I have a crush on you.
Please believe me this restaurant is the best restaurant ever.
Is she in the library?
Oh, I guess so.
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